You have your new program. You have all your healthy eats. You have even purchased a cute workout outfit. You start working out and a week or two later, you find yourself falling back in the same routine.

What happened?

While it’s true you were motivated to get going, you weren’t motivated to keep going?

What’s on the list?

Why do you want to lose weight, get in shape or be healthier? What motivates you to get moving? We all know how hard exercise is, not only on the body, but also on the mind.

What’s on the list?

The list is what you need to refer back to when you feel yourself slacking off. Maybe, you wrote a list and your motivation was to fit into a smaller size for a wedding, reunion, or some other social gathering. Even though you know you have this goal, you can’t seem to trick yourself into thinking its worth it. For some of us motivation such as this will be enough, for most of us, it will not and not because we do not have the best of intentions, it will simply be because we know if push comes to shove, we can find a cute outfit in a bigger size (after all, no one can see the tag).

Truth is most people do not notice our weight (as much) as we do, but they do notice and we would rather not think about what they may be thinking. I get it. Feeling this is still not enough to keep us on task. We bail on our goal, get a bigger size, decide not to prance at the event and vow to try again.

What’s on the list?

Put something more substantial on your list. To be healthier, to see your kids grow up, to have an experience you’ve never had before, to not kill over from a preventable disease—those kinds of things need to be at the top of your list. Superficial reasons can still appear on your list but do not give these items a starring role. A superficial reason by its very definition does not lend itself to the depth of motivation you will need to for the long haul.

What’s on the list?

If you haven’t made a list, do it NOW. It will be the reason you get up, get moving, and KEEP moving. Without the list, it’s way too easy to succumb to old habits and over used excuses.

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