Does Your Weight Gain Remind You of an Episode of School House Rock?

As the song says, “Let’s play a game of hide and seek -- 5…10…15…20…25…-- ready of not here I come”.

Are those extra pounds hiding on your behind until you seek them out on the scale? Good news, you can STOP living out the lyrics of that song across your body.

Losing weight is easy right? We all know how to do it.

Eat fruits and vegetables

Eat high quality proteins

Limit sugar

Write it all down

Drink water

Take a multivitamin

Get enough rest

Exercise more; eat less

We know what it will take to make it happen. SOOOO, why aren’t we doing it? No accountability. Most of us go it alone and it’s easy to give up on ourselves when no one is watching. We talk ourselves into having that extra cookie, when we know the one we just had was more than enough. We allow ourselves to get lazy and skip one workout, then two, and before long we are having the I-need-lose-weight conversation with ourselves again, because as I said, NO-ONE-IS-WATCHING. If we are really savvy, we can almost fool ourselves into thinking our plans never existed. After all, the only person who knew of our plans didn’t tell anyone. And if you are anything like me, every time you start and restart a program, your starting weight gets higher and higher…5…10…15…20

Let’s face it. Diet and exercise can be boring and uninspiring. I get it, but we can’t escape it. Taking care of yourself will be a lifelong commitment and if you don’t find a way to not only enjoy working out, but also anticipate it—you won’t do it and you know what happens then…25…30…35…40

Enter Team Beachbody and your success is right around the corner.


Beachbody gives you all the accountability tools to triumph over past disappointments, starting with a FREE fitness coach—your personal cheerleader, the Beachbody message boards—a community of people who are taking the same journey, WOWY--Beachbody’s virtual gym (a great place to meet your friends), and so much more. If you utilize these tools and learn to exercise socially and not anti-socially, your victorious ‘after’ shots will be a couple clicks away.

And think about, almost everything is more enjoyable when performed with a buddy--dining out, going to a movie, shopping, taking a long drive, just to name a few. Why not add exercise? It’s the best buddy activity of all.

Accountability is the key to moving beyond yet another failed attempt to get in shape. By being accountable to someone else, you allow a person to invest in you, to support you, to celebrate you and to celebrate with you, to cry with you, to believe in you and most of all to have fun with you.

So, get your butt up off the coach. Reach over and turn off the School House Rock, the sooner the better—did I mention the numbers in that song goes all the way up to 100? Yikes! .

Find a new set of lyrics to scribble across your body.

How about I’m too sexy for my____________? You decide.

Author- Reesy

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