If the numbers on the scale fluctuate from day to day, check your salt intake. Refined salt (table salt) will wreak havoc on your waistline with water retention and bloating. Though a temporary condition, it's one you should try to avoid; this type of salt does not do a body good, causing damage to our bones, kidneys, heart and muscles.
Our daily intake of this salty mineral should be 2500mg. How much is 2500mg? A teaspoon.
The human body in its splendor does not produce salt, one of the essential elements of life. To get the salt our body needs, we have to rely on our food choices. As previous stated, too much processed salt can damage vital organs, yet our body need it and let's face it--some foods taste better with a little salt.
Sea salt is unrefined salt derived directly from where it's name suggests. The effects on this salt on the body are opposite of its processed sibling. The minerals sea salt contains, extracts toxins, reduces blood pressure and has the ability to detoxify the body. And if you are worried about the taste--don't be, salt taste like...salt, refined or not.
Stay on top of your sodium intake by cutting back on refined salt. Processed salts reside in processed foods and its time to say NO to the processes it performs on the bodies. To control refined salt intake, learn to read nutrition labels, eat foods as close to its natural state as possible, and when eating prepared meals--leave it on the table, unless its straight from the sea.
Your body will thank you in more ways than one.