P90X, Chalean Extreme, Turbo Jam and the upcoming Insanity all include high impact aerobics. Each workout (with the exception of Insanity) includes a low impact option. I used to think I had to complete the workout exactly as the instructor taught it. If I followed the modification, I was not getting the full benefit. I was dead wrong—that is not true!! There is no shame in a modification—its pretty smart to modify an exercise if the need arises. Low impact aerobics is not a synonym for low intensity.
Over the past couple months, I’ve noticed increased joint pain in my knees and unexplained nagging pain in my lower back and hips. I feel out of alignment. I can’t attribute these ailments to high impact aerobics per se but I can say because of these aches and pains, I have to modify some of the moves--and sometimes I’m not in the mood to have my wiggly parts wiggling--so I keep my feet on the ground.
At 37, my body reminds me I’m no spring chicken. I respond to those reminders by taking Beachbody’s Joint Formula to help soothe my squeaks, seeing a chiropractor to twist, pull, pop, and crack my body back as it should be, and dare I say…. performing yoga.I’ve got one body and I must take care of it.
Our bodies are marvelous machines--even still it breaks down from time to time--know your strengths and weaknesses and work within your parameters to avoid injury and protect your overall health.