Much ado has been made over the right of our first lady, Michelle Obama, to bare arms. I’ve read several comments citing her bare arms as ‘inappropriate,’ because she is a role model and its not proper. I agree Michelle Obama is a role model but how should a role model dress and what is inappropriate and improper about her bare arms?
Our President and First Lady have been vocal about the role eating healthy and working out plays in their lives. Mrs. Obama has committed to keeping herself in great shape. She has the same challenges as any of us, if not more, yet she finds time for morning work outs. Mrs. Obama tight toned arms are the result of her hard work and why shouldn’t she be proud to display her arms? I suspect if her arms were not toned people would feel better about themselves and realize it's not Mrs. Obama's bare arms that are inappropriate but one's self hatred that manifests itself onto others. People hate to see other people doing something they wished they had the courage to do, thus a hater is born.
I’m glad we have a first lady who is in great shape and makes time to work out. It gives us all something to aspire to because she has proven one does not have to look a hot mess--over 40. One does not have to hear the phrase ‘you look good (for your age)’ but instead will simply hear ‘you look good’—and she does (bare arms and all).
Bravo Mrs. O.