Looking for a different kind of workout? Release your inner stripper with pole dancing. Before you turn your nose up and think, ‘Well, I’d never’, consider most exotic dancers have great bodies and in many cases their bodies are a by product of their jobs.

I took a pole dance/lap dance class last weekend--in celebration of a good friend’s upcoming nuptials. I showed up for a fun time without realizing a real workout was lurking around every pole spin. You are getting a cardio and strength training workout with squats cleverly disguised as a lap dance bump and grind and bicep and tricep work not so cleverly hidden as you hoist your bodyweight up on a pole. Being sexy hurt so good, I have the aching arms, legs, and abs to prove it. Four days later, my body is still reminding me just how sexy I am. ;)

If you are in the Norfolk/Virginia Beach area, please don’t hesitate to gyrate yourself over to Studio Rio. You will love the workout and the

feeling of being a woman no matter your size. Forget who you are or discovery our real self as you are encouraged to pick out a dance name while in the studio. It will be the most empowering hour you have spent working out. I promise.

Leave your inhibitions at the door and the pounds on the studio floor.

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