As you all know, I use a Bodybugg to assist me in my weight loss efforts. The information I’m getting has been invaluable. We are always told that if you do cardio first thing in the morning it will rev up your metabolism. It’s true guys. I’m seeing it first hand. My normal calorie burn for just sitting still is 1.4 but on the days I do cardio. My calorie burn is DOUBLED, coming in at 2.8. This is great because I can go for hours at my job without walking. Seriously, my day job was killing me in the calorie burning department. This is why it’s so important for me to get up during lunch and take a walk.
Over time, when using a device such as the bugg, you begin to know what numbers you need to see to make goal. To lose 2lbs a month, I need to consume 1600 and burn 2600. So, when I leave the house in the morning, if I’m not at 900-1000 calories, I know I’m going to have to add in at least two more workouts to make that goal.
My numbers look like this:
Wake up with 400-500 calorie burned from sleep
Perform cardio to burn 400-500 extra calories.
Walk at lunch (with a higher calorie burn during the day, I find I do not ‘have’ to do this.)
Leave work with 1900-2000 calories burned, if this happens on a consistent basis, even if I lay on my butt when I get home (which sometimes is very likely, ok most times its very likely), I will make goal by 9pm. The rest is just gravy—the no calorie version.
Love this feedback.
I’m bugging,