Shopping today, I found a great dress. The color was perfect, the fit flawless and the material--beautiful and lightweight. As I admired myself in the dressing room mirror, I was amazed how good I looked. My premature trip to the cash register cut short when I turned around and caught a view of my backside. My lightweight material was heavily lying on my not so light behind and it sang a full-throated song to the world about every dimple and crevice.
Two options: buy the dress with accompaniment (also known as Spanx) or leave the dress, since no sane person would make such a purchase and act like they didn’t know their ass craters were on display. Squeezing into a pair of Spanx didn’t appeal to me. I rather enjoy breathing. Aren’t I cheating by stuffing myself into a body I don’t have?
I didn’t buy the dress.
If I want the dress, I am going to have to earn the right to wear it and when I do, I will wear it with pride. The only think on display--my hard work.
*Side note*- Ladies let this be a lesson to you to always check your rear view. Make sure you look great coming and going. :)