(Sorry for the dark video)
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Looking for a different kind of workout? Release your inner stripper with pole dancing. Before you turn your nose up and think, ‘Well, I’d never’, consider most exotic dancers have great bodies and in many cases their bodies are a by product of their jobs.
I took a pole dance/lap dance class last weekend--in celebration of a good friend’s upcoming nuptials. I showed up for a fun time without realizing a real workout was lurking around every pole spin. You are getting a cardio and strength training workout with squats cleverly disguised as a lap dance bump and grind and bicep and tricep work not so cleverly hidden as you hoist your bodyweight up on a pole. Being sexy hurt so good, I have the aching arms, legs, and abs to prove it. Four days later, my body is still reminding me just how sexy I am. ;)
If you are in the Norfolk/Virginia Beach area, please don’t hesitate to gyrate yourself over to Studio Rio. You will love the workout and the
feeling of being a woman no matter your size. Forget who you are or discovery our real self as you are encouraged to pick out a dance name while in the studio. It will be the most empowering hour you have spent working out. I promise.
Leave your inhibitions at the door and the pounds on the studio floor.
Shopping today, I found a great dress. The color was perfect, the fit flawless and the material--beautiful and lightweight. As I admired myself in the dressing room mirror, I was amazed how good I looked. My premature trip to the cash register cut short when I turned around and caught a view of my backside. My lightweight material was heavily lying on my not so light behind and it sang a full-throated song to the world about every dimple and crevice.
Two options: buy the dress with accompaniment (also known as Spanx) or leave the dress, since no sane person would make such a purchase and act like they didn’t know their ass craters were on display. Squeezing into a pair of Spanx didn’t appeal to me. I rather enjoy breathing. Aren’t I cheating by stuffing myself into a body I don’t have?
I didn’t buy the dress.
If I want the dress, I am going to have to earn the right to wear it and when I do, I will wear it with pride. The only think on display--my hard work.
I’ve inadvertently taken a week off from doing any formal exercise. One day lead to another, another, and before you know it was basking in the ‘know’ of an unplanned vacation.
There are times when we need a break--from all things.
This hiatus has been good for my body and mind, but it’s not playtime in terms of being an eating free fall but a time to refocus, rejuvenate, and recommit to me.
Rest days are written into all Beachbody programs. Rest weeks will have to be written in by you.
You have your new program. You have all your healthy eats. You have even purchased a cute workout outfit. You start working out and a week or two later, you find yourself falling back in the same routine.
What happened?
While it’s true you were motivated to get going, you weren’t motivated to keep going?
What’s on the list?
Why do you want to lose weight, get in shape or be healthier? What motivates you to get moving? We all know how hard exercise is, not only on the body, but also on the mind.
What’s on the list?
The list is what you need to refer back to when you feel yourself slacking off. Maybe, you wrote a list and your motivation was to fit into a smaller size for a wedding, reunion, or some other social gathering. Even though you know you have this goal, you can’t seem to trick yourself into thinking its worth it. For some of us motivation such as this will be enough, for most of us, it will not and not because we do not have the best of intentions, it will simply be because we know if push comes to shove, we can find a cute outfit in a bigger size (after all, no one can see the tag).
Truth is most people do not notice our weight (as much) as we do, but they do notice and we would rather not think about what they may be thinking. I get it. Feeling this is still not enough to keep us on task. We bail on our goal, get a bigger size, decide not to prance at the event and vow to try again.
What’s on the list?
Put something more substantial on your list. To be healthier, to see your kids grow up, to have an experience you’ve never had before, to not kill over from a preventable disease—those kinds of things need to be at the top of your list. Superficial reasons can still appear on your list but do not give these items a starring role. A superficial reason by its very definition does not lend itself to the depth of motivation you will need to for the long haul.
What’s on the list?
If you haven’t made a list, do it NOW. It will be the reason you get up, get moving, and KEEP moving. Without the list, it’s way too easy to succumb to old habits and over used excuses.
Ever play a sport? Any sport? Boxing, wrestling, dodge ball, baseball, basketball, football and so on? Who is the most important person on the team? No, it’s not you, not this time. It’s the coach. The coach’s job is to come up the plan of action, see the pitfalls BEFORE they happen, prepare for those pitfalls and be prepared to shift courses, while staying on track, when the pitfalls are unavoidable. The coach is simultaneously a cheerleader and a foot-in-ass(er), dolling out praise and reprimand, sometimes with a smile, sometimes with sigh, but always with care. Giving the when, what, and how of motivation and encouragement, making their words sound like it’s the best advice you have ever heard. Even with all the values I’ve just outlined, the best of them all—the reason why coaches are so great—accountability.
As a fitness coach/business coach for Beachbody, my job is to provide accountability and by doing so, my roll in the lives of my clients follows the same script. I walk the tight rope of advice columnist, spiritual advisor, life coach, career coach, friend and mentor as I steer people down the path to their new lives. I hold my clients up when they have fallen or no longer have the strength to stand on their own. I relay the little things (they already know) but conveniently forget when the road seems too long. I play in the foreground until my words are no longer needed, until my player starts listening to their own voice, until the lesson has been learned- accountable starts within. Then and only then, do I take my proper place in the background.
No more hand holding required.
Be a player in the sport of life but rest assured your health is not a game.
If you like me to become your coach, email me at the link above, under the about me section.
…. every where I turn. Ninety days of Chalean Extreme are now complete and today starts a new challenge for me with P90X+.
With Chalean Extreme, I lost 8 total pounds and not very many inches, but I gained a lot of muscle in my upper body. I’m thrilled at the new lines and striations I see that outline the different muscle groups.
For my P90X+, I am making adjustments in my diet and setting my sights on more muscle and less overall body fat. Sure, I have a weight goal I’m trying to reach but that number is evolving. I am not to be defined by any number per se. This journey is about being healthy and healthy comes in a lot of variations.
For a month now, I've been using the latest gadget in my get fit arsenal--a Bodybugg. You may have seen this product used on a very popular weight loss show. It's taken a month for me to get acclimated to the bugg and to form an intelligent opinion on it.
The Bodybugg is a small black monitor you wear 24/7 strapped to your left arm. It not only calculates your calories but also your steps. You upload the information to your computer; input your food and the software will tell you if you are operating in a calorie deficit or surplus. These values are also measured against the goals you have set for yourself. Along with your body parameters (age, height, weight etc.), you also set up the amount of weight you want to lose and the system will give you a target calorie intake and output number. The Bodybugg has an accessory you can purchase--a digital display--which shows you a real-time accumulation of your calories and steps. It can be worn as a watch or clipped to your clothing.
My decision to purchase the bugg was simple. My weight loss had stalled. I was tracking my food intake and tracking my calories, a la my heart rate monitor, but still nothing by way of weight or inches lost. Based on my tracking, I should have been losing at least a pound a week. It was then I started to research calorie counters andthrough that research is when I discovered heart rate monitors are not good indicators of calorie burn. They tend of overestimate and that’s when I started to give the bugg a serious look. The Bodybugg uses heat flux, skin response, skin temperate and an accelerometer to determine calories burned. It has been proven to be 92% accurate. It does not calculate heart rate.
What I have learned from using this system is--we don’t burn as many calories as we think to sustain life. We hear that all the time. Your body burns calories all day—and it does, but for me, that burn as been approx 1.4 calories a minute. I’ve also learned that many household chores have a greater calorie burn than doing an aerobic workout. The bugg tends to either underestimate or correctly assess (I haven’t figured out which one) calories while weight lifting. At first I was disappointed with the numbers I was getting after a hard weight lifting session. I wanted the heart rate monitor to be correct. Now I’ve come to appreciate the lower numbers because it motivates me to move more to meet and exceed my goals.
I’ve worn both my bugg and heart rate monitor during exercise. With cardio exercise, I burn 200 calories or more on the heart rate monitor than the bugg and with weight lifting I burn 50-100 calories more on the heart rate monitor than the Bodybugg, therein is the problem (for me). I really wanted the higher numbers to be accurate but they just weren't. After seeing these discrepancies, it was clear to me why my weight loss had stalled.
All in all, I’ve am happy with the purchase of the Bodybugg. I stumbled out of the gate the first two to three weeks, but once I really started applying it, the weight is moving at a rate of 2lbs a week. Am I able to lose weight without it? Yes and I have but this system shows me to take greater care in the things I eat and it motivates me to keeping moving.
Here is an example of the feedback from the Bodybugg.
The Bodybugg with digital display retails for $349. This includes a free 45-minute coaching session and a 6-month subscription to the web component.