Today is National Junk Food Day on the heels of National Ice Cream Day last weekend. In spite of all the junk food the world consumes daily, someone had the presence of mind to officially declare days where eating junk is permissible on a national level. Isn't this a bit redundant and unnecessary? And what is the purpose of such a day? To assuage us of our guilt when indulging in foods we know to be harmful to our health and waistlines?

The junk food industry is big business. A bigger business than the exercise and diet industry. Two industries at opposite ends of the spectrum, competing for your time and money when really its not a competition at all, both industries win. We pay for the junk and then we pay to get rid of the effects of the junk. It's one big fat cycle.

Today, if you choose to indulge in the nation's obsession with junk food, remember the 'junk' is on you and the fat too.

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