Looking for a change? Is it the same politics as usual?
We could argue that our campaign to lose weight is much like politics. Are you doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result, working out some days, sometimes not, eating clean sometimes, sometimes not but always getting on the scale hoping—today is the day the weight will finally, magically disappear? Do you sometimes fight dirty by taking pills or buying the latest weight loss gadget, when you knew there was no way it could deliver on its promises? You need a new way to govern yourself and your thoughts about losing weight.
On your weight loss campaign what is it going to be experience or change? Well, the politics of weight loss suggests the perfect solution is a little bit of both—doing those same ole things that work for you and turning the page to something new to take your body to another level.
Get re-energized! This is OUR time. This is YOUR time. This is MY time. It’s okay to keep doing Slim in 6 because it works for you. It’s also okay to be a maverick and mixed up as many programs as you like. No one system works for everyone. Whether you are conservative or liberal, Beachbody has a program for you. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. You don’t have to be all right-winged or all left-winged. Most of us are somewhere in between. So you are free to step out on your own and rebel against those weight loss views that do not work for you and embrace those that do.
Some days you may want to kick, punch and jam with Turbo Jam and other days you may want to house your body with Rockin Body. Maybe you feel like burning it up with Slim in 6, while also feeling like a bit of Kenpo with P90X. Whatever you views, it’s your decision to make. No one is going to make the decision for you and guess what, it’s your right and your duty to take care of your self. Vote to put yourself first. Elect to cast a ballot for change. Change of your body, health, mind and spirit. Yes you can--be a success story. YOU—are the change you can believe in and with Beachbody- together we can put country first by winning the war on obesity. This is NOT a dumb war.
Author- Reesy