INSANITY is here!!!! This week starts my second week of INSANITY. Each Beachbody program comes with a buzz line, a mantra you chant when you are doing well or chant when you want to convince yourself you can do it. P90X - Bring It. Chalean Extreme - Go Heavy or Go Home and INSANITY - Dig Deep; these two simple words encapsulates the mentality necessary to attempt a program like INSANITY.
This program lives up to its name. It's thirty to forty minutes of butt-kicking, heart-pounding, sweat-inducing cardio. It's so INSANE, you will need a warm-up for the warm-up. As you are doing this workout, you begin to understand just how INSANE you are.
INSANITY is the only word to describe pushing through
this workout versus performing some other type of cardio a bit more comfortable on your respiratory system and your brain. Doesn't it sound INSANE to keep working out when you are at the point of wanting to throw up or to do just one more squat when your legs failed you long ago?
By the end of the workout, you realize you are not crazy at all as you have become the personification of the mantra DIG DEEP.
DIG DEEP simply means find something within yourself that will move you past what you thought you could do. The beauty of INSANITY is that it is not INSANE unless you refuse to DIG DEEP because when you DIG DEEP you find that is where your sanity really lies.