Have we gotten so lazy that we can't walk a couple extra yards? Just back from the grocery store, while I'm loading my car another car comes behind me waiting for my spot, where just steps away another spot is open. Let me repeat....JUST STEPS AWAY ANOTHER SPOT IS OPEN.
I g0t so irritated. I start taking my sweet time (mind you, I only have two bags). When I get in the car, I play with my phone a bit. Hey, its one of my pet peeves. Finally, I pull out. I watch as the person gets out of her car and sure enough, she could have used the extra steps. Mean, but true.
I truly can't believe how lazy we have become as a nation. On one hand, I can see why some people are so upset over health care. The ones footing the bill do not want to have to pay for those who will not take a couple extra steps to improve their own health. Interesting isn't it?

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