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Does this sound like you? You are work out 5-6 times a week, burning lots of calories but there is no visible difference in your weight. The answer can be found amongst the endless aisles of wrapped, canned and boxed goods. Let me let you in on, a not so secret, secret; being thin begins in the supermarket--with the nutrition label. This ubiquitous yet obscure information tag is one of the single most powerful devices in a journey of fitness.
There are a few things about nutrition labels you need to know.
Understand the ingredient list. The items are listed by volume, which means the first thing listed is what’s been used the most in the product, second ingredient, next highest volume and so on. If you have vowed to eat less sugar, less sodium, less food coloring or less of those things you can’t pronounce, knowing that ingredients are listed from largest to smallest (volume) can help you keep track of those ingredients that are most important to you.
Watch those serving sizes. The serving size listed on a product is probably less than what you are likely to consume. The serving size is two cookies and you’ve eaten four, now you have to multiply all the values listed by two. Not staying on top of these numbers can be detrimental to your weight loss goal Remember calories in vs. calories out. If you are taking in more calories than you are burning off, ‘you’ll be moving on up to the big time, to a deluxe….’
Nutrients are important. How much of each nutrient to consume varies from person to person for a number of reasons. Fat and fiber are the two I recommend you take the time to read. You want to consume as little saturated and trans fat, as possible, good heart heath demands it. Fiber offers twofer benefits. It not only helps with satiety by adding bulk to your eating plan but fiber also makes sure bulk is not clogging your internal plumbing.
Next time, you are in the supermarket read those labels. Remember these tips and education yourself so you will know the value, if any, of the foods you choose to eat. Your whole body is counting on you to make the right decisions. For losing weight, you have an all access pass to one of the biggest health clubs in the world—the grocery store.
Let’s check out,
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By Tony Horton
Travelin' folks find it difficult at times to set up their laptops and jump around to P90X® in their hotel rooms. Quite often the people in the rooms below you aren't as thrilled about your fitness as you are at 7:00 AM. I created a workout for road warriors who don't want to miss a beat while traveling. The original title was "The Warrior Workout." Then I was calling it "The Hotel Room Workout." But this didn't seem right because you can do it anywhere. The people in those rooms below weren't always a fan of this one either. The new title is "The Traveler's Workout" because all you need is a space the size of a small workout mat, and you can do it anywhere in the world.
The workout is made up of four rounds with four exercises in each round. There is a fifth bonus round with four moves. The first exercise in each round is always a one-minute cardio move. The second exercise is always core/abs. The third is legs, and the last move in each round is always upper body.
Here it is:
Round 1
1. Run in Place: ~1 minute
2. Elbow-to-Knee Crunch: ~1 minute (just like in Power 90)
3. Squats: ~30 reps (just like in Power 90)
4. Push-Ups: Maximum reps that you can do while maintaining good form
Round 2
1. Jumping Jacks: ~1 Minute
2. Hip Rock Raise: ~30 reps (Power 90 version or P90X®-style)
3. Step-Back Lunges: ~30 reps (from a standing position step back into crescent pose, minus the arms. Alternate legs.)
4. Military Push-Ups: Maximum reps that you can do while maintaining good form
Round 3
1. Tires on Fire: ~1 minute (running in place with wide legs and high knees)
2. Crunchy Frog: ~30 reps (see P90X)
3. Run Stance Squat Switch: ~30 reps (looks like squats but you're switching feet to a fighter's stance on every rep)
4. Wide Push-Ups: Maximum reps that you can do while maintaining good form
Round 4
1. Fast Feet: ~1 minute
2. Mason Twist: ~30 reps (see P90X)
3. Plio Squat with Calf Raise: ~30 reps (wide squats with toes raised at the top. Reach up with both arms at the top.)
4. Switch-Hand Push-Ups: Maximum reps that you can do while maintaining good form (one arm does a military push-up while the other arm is doing a wide push-up. Switch after each rep.)
Bonus Round
1. Wacky Jacks: ~1 minute (see Power Half Hour®)
2. Roll Up/V Up: ~30 reps (more P90X stuff)
3. Super Skater: ~20 reps each leg (from P90X)
4. Side Tri-Rises: Maximum reps that you can do while maintaining good form (from P90X)
All these moves are found in Power 90, Power Half Hour, or P90X. If you don't have PHH or P90X, don't try to figure out some of this stuff. Just do anything you want as long as you keep the sequence of cardio, core, legs, and push-ups the same.
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One size fits all. What a complete falsehood, this is especially so when it comes to an eating and exercise plan. These days, we can’t go into a bookstore or even listen to a health show without being confronted with our weight issues. There are 4-day diets, 3-hour diets, packaged foods, counting points, diets by blood type, low fat eating, low carb eating, eating high protein, raw…the list goes on. For the record, whatever diet you follow, if you follow it, would probably yield results. Why? Most the diets we hear about are really low calorie diets in disguise. The diet industry is smart. They know how to market to you. They know that certain buzz words like ‘calorie’ or ‘no’ or ‘limitations’ or (insert your scary word here)-- will make some of us defiant—and if we see these words linked together in the same sentence, it can trigger our ‘oh hell no’ response and have us making a bee-line to our nearest comfort foods, digging our heels in and vowing to eat whatever we want. The diet industry also knows we are an instant gratification society. We want it fast. We want it now. So, they package up the same information in a bright and shiny gimmick, tie it beautifully in a big BS bow and sell it to us again and again.
So, let’s say you fall for the gimmick (we all have). You unwrap your BS bow only to find, the same list of lean proteins, whole grain carbs, limited dairy, and healthy fats combined with an exercise plan. Guess what, there is nothing new here. The diet industry will constantly find ways to reinvent itself but no matter what they say---there is no magic pill, magic bullet (well, there are a number of them, but that is for another type of blog), no magic time of day, no magic food colors or special combinations, or even magic foods. Sensible eating with a sensibly exercise plan is just plain…sensible.
Start by getting rid of the work ‘diet’. Even though it’s not a bad word, we have made it synonymous with starving, kiss of death, and I’d rather pull my eyelids off—you get the point. So, for now, let’s refer to it as an eating plan.
We hold these truths be self-evident that all eating plans are not created equal. Those, which eliminate entire food groups or ask you to only consume entire food groups, are those you should stay away from. But there are lots of good eating plans out there and I’m not there to endorse any of them. It’s up to you to decide which plan you can live with. Many people will read a plan and quickly toss it away if they do not agree with it completely. Well, listen up- diets are written for the gen pop (general population for those of you who do not follow), but guess who gets to sit down and individualize the plan--you do. Don’t get discouraged.
Take elements of the eating plan and make them work for you. Enjoy the process of creating a plan that works, for you, by you, with your unique likes and dislikes, your cooking skill set and most important, with your goals in mind.
When you find yourself on autopilot, eating foods without giving it too much thought, not being afraid to eat out, not waking up wondering what fresh hell awaits you at mealtime. When you have taken the eating plan and woven it concepts so deeply into your life, and you’ve taken the same principles and applied it to your exercise plan, stand up and take a bow. CONGRATULATIONS! You have just made a lifestyle change.
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With the Beachbody Revolution system you get everything to transform you body AND and your life.
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Beachbody is changing lives. Will you be next?
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Do you know what you really want in life? Have you put your dreams down on paper or even better created a visual reminder of the life you want?
This weekend I created such a visual representation of my dreams in a dream board.
I know the life I want to lead. I know the things I need to change. I want my life to reflect those things that will bring me peace and serenity and ultimately joy. I've placed my board on the wall in my home in a prominent position where I can see it everyday and allow it to seep into me, become a part of me, to take over me until eventually I obtain everything on the board. There is no magic. Everything I want in my life, I have the power to create, but seeing my dreams come to life, gives them meaning and validity, much more than just speaking them aloud.
Everything on my board, I all ready have. I'm just waiting for the day it comes to fruition.
What are your dreams? Have you ever listened to your inner most thoughts? Consider giving those thoughts a life. Consider a dream board.
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Today, I reached the 30-day mark with Chalean Extreme. It has been a burning experience. From the bowlers lunge to the sumo squats to the extreme pushups, each move has filled my muscles with lactic acid, burning me one step closer to my ultimate goal of being healthier…better.
While I am not exactly wrapping the tape measure around me several times, I am down two lbs and I’ve lost one full inch; a half inch on my waist and a half inch on my hips.
And get this; I’ve actually GAINED on this program. Yep, it’s true. I’ve gained more self-confidence, a dash more self esteem and an overall better body image. What I gained the most is an extra inch in my height, as I’m standing taller and stronger.
It feels good. It feels really good.
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